Year in Review: 2015

Hello everyone! Today is New Year’s Eve, which means tomorrow is the beginning of another exciting year! My favorite part of this time of year is to set goals and make predictions of what is to come the following year. In today’s post, I decided to share with you some of my favorite times and memories from this year as well as how my relationship with Jesus has strengthened.

– Faith –

God’s hand has been holding mine this past year. In February of 2015, my very best friend (sister) Peyton lost her best friend- her sister. It was a horrible time for their family, and it was hard on me. Peyton lost her father several years ago, but Mary Paige’s passing taught me something- to stay close to your best friends & to believe something good can come out of something so bad. Peyton joined Tri Sigma, where Mary Paige was a member, and received her Big at the beginning of the year- which was Mary Paige’s little. God works in mysterious ways- and Mary-Paige is with Peyton every second of every day.

When I headed off to college in August this year, I had a desire to grow closer to Christ. All of senior year, our mission was to lead others closer to Christ through his Blessed Mother. TOTUS TUUS. I had a special place for this in my heart, but it was not until I got to Benedictine until I devoted myself to the Blessed Mother. I joined a group called FIAT, which is a group of Catholic young women growing with the Blessed Mother to grow in relationship with her Son. We all consecrated ourselves to Mary in November, and her graces have brought me closer to Jesus every day. I also spent a couple of months praying a novena with Jake to the blessed mother for our relationship and the purity that we are meant to uphold in each other in order to grow in holiness.

If you have not heard of FOCUS, here is a link to their website and what they do- amazing things. If you ask any of my friends, especially my friend Olivia (well Wiegs, to me) she has probably spent hours upon hours researching FOCUS because when you learn about their mission, it makes you want to go out and serve! Anyways, I joined a FOCUS bible study, lead by my dear friend Shannen, and let me just tell you- it has changed my life. We meet every Thursday night & talk for about 2 hours–or more. Most of the time we sit and talk about our highs, lows, and God moments of the week– and that examination of the past brings us closer to Christ in the present. We study the Bible and you can see Christ working in all of the girls. Thank you to Wiegs, Steph, Carol, Kaitlyn, Grace, Emily, and most importantly- SHANNEN, for changing my life and helping me to encounter Christ with your inspiration.

This year I have really entered into my relationship with Christ– and I cannot wait to see what 2016 has in store for me.

-Events and Memories-

(Put Your Mouse Over the Images to See the Event!)

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Printing my book!


2 Years- August 2015

Thank you to all of my dear friends, family, and my sweet boyfriend for making this year so amazing and full of love, laughter, and joy! Here’s to 2016! Mamma Mary, Pray for Us! St. Catherine of Siena, Pray for us! St. Therese of Lisieux, Pray for Us!

Comment below your favorite memory of 2015 or something that changed your life in 2015!

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